Energy & Spiritual Healing, Chakra Alignment, Mediumship & Akashic Records Readings

Reconnect to your soul


Each of us holds the power within us to alter the course of our destiny. 

We are all light beings who have used our free will  to reincarnate here on earth, and to do our best to learn the lessons we have asked to learn in this lifetime. We can either live our life through fear or freedom the choice is ours to make while we are here. 

I am here to guide you into the light, balance and restore your mind, body and spirit and reconnect you with your higher self and understand the many aspects of your soul.


Gabriela S

“I am forever grateful for Melissa and the akashic record reading I received from her. At the end of our session I told her that this was the best reading I have ever received and I meant it. The information she was able to provide me with by tapping into my akashic records was AMAZING. I feel extremely grateful that our paths crossed and I have already recommended Melissa's services to so many dear friends of mine! If you feel called to receive healing or guidance Melissa is the real deal!”


Mediumship Records

Evidential Mediumship can connect you to your deceased loved ones & pets and provides you with detailed information regarding their personality traits, significant dates, events, memories and how & why they transitioned back home to the spirit realm. They can deliver messages for you while also answering questions you may have regarding things left unsaid between you, or decisions that you are currently making in your life that you would like their guidance on.

The Akashic Records hold vibrational records of each life you’ve lived & have yet to live and is also accessed during these sessions. Accessing your Akashic Records gives Melissa the unique ability to connect you with your higher self, your soul, your guides, angels, ascended masters, loved ones and pets to receive guidance, wisdom, support & clarity of direction on your present life journey, & to answer the many questions that you come to the reading with.

Mediumship Readings

During a 60 min remote or in person reading, Melissa will use her Psychic abilities, Evidential Mediumship & Akashic Record information to deliver a unique one-of-a-kind reading experience that will change your life for the better and will leave you with a new sense of peace, comfort and purpose going forward.

Urgent Readings

This Urgent Booking option has been created and space made in my schedule for those of you who are in need of immediate Medical Intuitive Healing, Sacred Energy Healing, Psychic Surgery, House Clearing or Mediumship reading.

Group Readings

Book a Mediumship reading with a partner, family member, for a girl’s night, bachelorette or other event of 2-10+ people. Join Melissa either remotely on zoom or in person locally in Winnipeg, MB, in her serene healing space, or your own Group Space.

House Clearing

All spaces hold energy. That energy could be from past occupants of the space or the energy of the events that occurred in the space. If your house feels heavy or if you’re experiencing paranormal activity, it is time to clear your home or office.


Meditation Library

Daily Ground and Connect and Deep Healing Mediations. Downloadable, so you listen anywhere, at any time.



Everything is energy, including the human mind, body and soul. We are divinely created to embody this spiritual vessel while here on earth. It’s important to maintain good spiritual hygiene through regular energy healing sessions that allows blocked energy to be released and replaced with divine source energy, a balance is found that allows divine love and light to flow freely through every aspect of self.

Energy Healing Sessions

I will use a combination of reiki, crystal healing, aromatherapy, light language, tuning forks, chakra clearing, balancing and channeling. 

Sacred Healing Sessions

I combine high source and galactic frequency and tools, light language, tuning forks, aromatherapy with ceremonial energetic rituals to clear past life trauma, outdated ancestral belief systems & patterns, negative ancestral DNA and ancestral cord cutting, expired soul contract closing and soul retrieval, inner child healing, clearing and ceremonial healing specific to each chakra centres and more.

Psychic Surgery

We humans are energetically open to the light and the dark energies. If we don’t clear our energetic field and practice good spiritual hygiene, we can easily bring home or invite unwanted negative entities into our homes and energetic fields. You don’t need to necessarily be psychic or work with energy for a living to be in need of a Psychic Surgery and Energetic Field Protection.

Medical Healing

As a medical intuitive, I can scan a person’s physical body/energy field and see through my third eye while guided by my intuition, medical conditions that they may be experiencing. I receive valuable information regarding deficiencies, diseases, muscular, ligament or tendon injuries, heart issues, cancer, benign tumors, bacterial and viral infections, pregnancies, reproductive issues, skin conditions and many other medical conditions.


What People Are Saying

  • "Melissa is such a gifted & beautiful human living her soul's purpose. She connected me with deceased loved ones on my spirit team, confirmed past lives I knew of (and a couple lives I didn't know), and gave me much needed guidance on MY soul's purpose. After our session I felt so calm, centered and at peace. Thank you Melissa for this beautiful experience. "

    Jennifer B

  • "My Akashic record and energy healing experience was more than I could have imagined. The divine energy this woman holds and shares is so pure and magical. If you're hesitant or skeptical - take the leap, you'll thank yourself later!"


  • "I am encouraged to continue on my spiritual journey and see what is next for me. I truly am so happy to have spent that time with you and appreciate the validation that I needed. Wishing you continued success in your journey to help others!"


Learn With Me

I offer Live Courses, Master Classes and 1:1 Mentorship.

For anyone who is curious about developing their intuitive and mediumship abilities, who would like to learn different channeling techniques in a safe, nurturing online classroom container of like-minded individuals.

  • Level One: Intuitive Development
    Level Two: Akashic Record & Mediumship Online Master Class
    Learn more here.

  • This 1:1 mentorship program is created with the intention to create a supportive, safe container of sacred healing., clarity and guidance regardless of what you’re moving through currently. Learn more.

  • During this 4-week Intro to Energy Healing Master Class I will share with you my own unique way in which I heal and transmute all that isn’t serving the many energetic layers of the human body and Chakra Centres. Learn more.

  • Light language is an ancient and futuristic form of our Soul’s communication that has been used for lifetimes and understood in multiple realms and dimensions. Light Language is a powerful healing tool for the path of ascension and self empowerment. The purpose of Light Language is that it speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your signature energy to allow you to tap into the realm of wisdom, healing and the multidimensional language that is understood by all at soul level. Learn more.

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