What is the
Enlightenment Program?

This 1:1 mentorship program is created with the intention to create a supportive, safe container of sacred healing., clarity and guidance regardless of what you’re moving through currently.

You will move through the enlightenment process with 6 x 60 min 1:1 Sessions with me. Each session is intuitively led and could include a combination of Energetic Healing, Light Code Activations, Light Body Illumination and Repair, Psychic Surgery (if needed), Akashic Reading, Past Life Exploration, Channeling, Energetic Healing of Mind, Body and Spirit. You will leave this Enlightenment Program  with a Renewed sense of Self, Empowered with a greater understanding of your Mission in this lifetime, connection to your  Spirit Guides,  Intuition & Higher Self.

Our time together will leave you excited for your future and supported by your connection to your intuitive gifts, higher self and spirit team.


Do you find yourself in the middle of a spiritual awakening, listening to the whispers of your Divine Council, your Higher Self that urge you to explore all aspects of yourself?  To heal, transmute and clear all energetic blocks, subconscious shadow aspects of self, ancestral trauma, past life trauma, expired soul contracts & timelines that are no longer serving your highest good.

Are you ready to get to know your Soul’s Essence and Blueprint, what makes you unique in each lifetime? Your Soul came here again for a reason, to fulfill Soul Contracts, clear Karmic Debt, to move through earthly life experiences and feel the intensity of all emotions fully without fear of light and dark, positive or negative interactions for they all serve a higher purpose. To teach your Soul what it is to be a spiritual being having a human experience and evolve.

However, having a human experience is easier said than done when you’re made to forget your Divine birth right of intuitive abilities, the God frequency that resides within you, your connection to all that is or ever was residing in this divine frequency that is God, Source, Universal Christ Consciousness as well as all living inhabitants of this planet we call earth. 

Together we will begin to peel away the subconscious layers, heal deep rooted aspects of self and the energetic blocks that no longer serve you. It’s time to illuminate even your darkest spaces and experiences and allow them to show you that they served a higher purpose in your Soul’s evolution. Together we will heal, clear and transmute all that is holding you back from the life you’ve been dreaming of!


This Program is for you if you’re:

         *Finding yourself feeling alone in your awakening journey and are in search of ongoing healing, guidance, support and answers to your many spiritual questions.

         *Are ready to understand who you are on a Soul Level & gain an understanding of your Soul Blueprint and Life Purpose?

          *Are ready to heal, understand and release outdated Belief Systems, Behavioral Patterns, , Soul contracts and Timelines that no longer serve you.

         *Are experiencing Mental and/or Physical Health Issues and want to dive deeper into the lessons they hold for you, as well as healing and clearing of them so you can resume your highest mind, body and spiritual vessel potential.

       *Are experiencing a Psychic Attack need several sessions of deeper healing than what my 60 min Psychic Surgery session offers.

         *Are ready to meet and connect with your Spirit Team, Higher Self and Ignite your Divine Intuitive Abilities.

Enlightenment Program: $1800 - 6 x 1:1 60 min (remote) Sessions

Mini Enlightenment Program: $888 (Same program just less sessions) - 3 x 1:1 60 min (remote) Sessions

Enlightenment Program Follow Up Session For Past Students of the Program - 1x 1:1 60min (remote ) Session $288
* a great way for past students to check in with their spirit team & gain clarity & guidance from them.

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