House Clearings & Blessings


All spaces hold energy. That energy could be from past occupants of the space or the energy of the events that occurred in the space (residual). It could also be from ghosts or souls who are stuck and have not crossed over to the spirit realm or other lower energy extraterrestrial beings. If your house feels heavy or if you’re experiencing paranormal activity, it is time to clear your home or office. If left, dense negative energy or beings in your home will create unwanted negative symptoms in its living occupants both physically and mentally. 

You may also just feel heavy, stagnant energy in your space and feel like it’s time for a home or office brightening and blessing. Words and emotions carry energy and can build up overtime a sweep and brightening of your space can revitalize and recharge the energy within it!


House Energy Clearing  

During a house clearing with the help of my Angels and spirit team, I will remove stuck residual energy and any intelligent energy from the home and replace it with higher vibrational frequency and lighter energy of divine love and light. Any open portals will be closed and protection placed around them. I will investigate any ghosts that are present in the home and connect with them to help them cross over to the spirit realm and into the light of God. If they don’t want to cross, they must leave, and therefore will be cleared and transmuted from your space and home. These stuck souls are not good for the energy of your home and your own energetic body.

Connect with Ancestors and Heal the Land  

Often times the land itself that the home is situated on requires clearing and healing. I tap into the energy and history of the land and its ancestors and perform healing ceremonies to remove any stuck trauma or ancestral roots/cords. I will also tap into the land grid system and restore the grid back to its original coding (this all done through Source, God and Light and Love). 

House Sealing  

As I go through the home I will bless and seal the space room by room, so that the lower energies cannot return. Your home will have a sacred energetic boundary of divine love and light placed around it which keeps negative unwanted spirit guests out for good! 


House Brightening & Blessing  

This is a great option if you are looking to sell your home or if you’ve just moved into a new one.  

I will go into the home and room by room clear any dense or stagnant energy and replace it with bright, loving energy of the highest vibrational frequency. I will bless each room and set whatever intention you would like for the space. For example: if it’s a new home perhaps, you’d like to fill it with laughter, joy, peace and abundance for your future together.

Please note: this service option is to brighten the energy of a space, not to remove paranormal energy. If you are experiencing paranormal activity, please choose the House Energy Clearing option.