Sacred Healing Services


Sacred Healing Sessions

During this sacred healing I combine high source and galactic frequency and tools, light language, tuning forks, aromatherapy with ceremonial energetic rituals to clear past life trauma, outdated ancestral belief systems & patterns including:

  • negative ancestral DNA and ancestral cord cutting

  • expired soul contract closing and soul retrieval

  • inner child healing

  • clearing and ceremonial healing specific to each chakra centre

  • root chakra - grounding ceremony

  • sacral chakra - womb healing & divine feminine energy ceremony

  • solar plexus chakra - divine sovereign ceremony

  • heart chakra - heart healing & opening ceremony

  • throat chakra - authentic voice and truth ceremony

  • third eye chakra - activation and veil clearing ceremony

  • crown chakra - portal opening, auric field repair and expansion

  • light body activation and repair, plasma body repair, DNA activation and repair with galactic tools used to heal on a quantum level.

The sacred healing ceremony is performed with your Akashic Records open. I am guided by your angels and guides & ancestors as well as using my intuitive and psychic gifts to know what is needing to be closed, cleared, cut and transmuted back to source. I will share with you at the end of the session what was cleared, and details of each sacred ceremony.


Book a Sacred Healing Session on Zoom

You can enjoy the benefits of Sacred Healing from the comfort of your home.
You will be sent a Zoom link upon booking for your virtual session.